In January 2015, a Strategic Planning Committee was formed by Fr. Panagiotis Boznos and the Parish Council to formulate the future vision and goals of the parish. Members of the committee met monthly through 2015 to work on the strategic plan. The four phases outlined below were envisioned to engage all parishioners in aspects of the strategic planning process. The parish council reviewed the strategic plan in December, enabling final edits to be prepared early in 2016. The 2016 council formed a Strategic Plan Implementation committee to drive communication of the plan across the ministries and parish starting during February.
Phase 1 of the strategic planning process involved interviewing a selection of ministry leaders and parishioners about parish strengths and weaknesses, especially with regard to ministries. Results of these interviews helped to guide early direction of the strategic planning process.
Phase 2 was the 2015 Parishioner Census, which took place from July-September. The purpose of the Census was to collect demographic information that is critical to parish goal development and ministry planning. Paper copies can be downloaded Here.
Phase 3 was the Opinions and Ideas Survey and took place during the month of October. Stewards were invited to share their thoughts about current parish life in the areas of Ministries, Worship, Administration, and Outreach. Results of this survey were used by the committee to develop the parish strategic plan.
Phase 4 was the Strategic Plan Development Phase executed during the months of November and December, which incorporated parish feedback to drive planning for a 10-year horizon. Committee members and other parishioners formed work committees to write each component of the strategic plan. They are using information obtained from the parishioner interviews, the 2015 Census, and the 2015 Opinions and Ideas Survey to develop the plan.
Questions about the Census? Click here for our 2015 Census FAQ’s.
Read more about the 2015 Strategic Planning Process here.