Divorce Rebuilders Group
Saints Peter and Paul’s Divorce Rebuilders Group is an Orthodox ministry that offers support, guidance, and hope to those who are separated and divorced. For the last nine years, Divorce Rebuilders has addressed the contemporary needs of Orthodox Christians by offering them a place to process the many aspects of the divorce experience through instruction, guidance, and support.
The SS Peter and Paul Divorce Rebuilders Group is informed by evidence-based counseling practices to help equip participants with understanding, skills, and tools in order to heal after a divorce. New insights and perspectives help create new understandings towards developing new personal, relational, and spiritual goals in your life.
For more information, contact Maria at divorcerebuilders@ssppglenview.org
Georgia Photopoulos Cancer Support Group
SSPP Cancer Support Group- The Cancer Support Ministry, started in 1981 by Georgia Photopulos and Fr. George Scoulas, was renamed in Georgia’s memory in 2012. Her spirit of compassionate emotional support, gentle guidance, faith and good humor continue to be the foundation of our group. Cancer survivors and loved ones are welcome.
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month. They are open to our parishioners and those of other Orthodox churches, as well as individuals from other denominations.
For more information, contact co-facilitators Phyllis Perivolidis or Bud Photopulos at cancersupport@ssppglenview.org