About our Philoptochos

The Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc. is the philanthropic arm of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America that has offered eighty years of helping those in need and supporting organizations and programs that do the same. Philoptochos makes a difference in the lives of people in greater Chicago, the United States, and throughout the world.  Our local parish chapter has been working since the founding of our community in the early 1960s. Our women engage in a multitude of fundraising and educational programs to accomplish the Philoptochos mission to “help the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, those with disabilities, and the victims of disasters through its National and Metropolis Boards and its 485 Chapters and 27,500 members nationwide.”

Saints Peter & Paul Philoptochos Stewardship

Please join our important organization.
You can do it by a one-time fee ($75.00 Recommended but whatever you can offer is appreciated) or a recurring fee.

Click below to complete your information and pay online or print and mail in your payment.


If you are mailing in your Stewardship check, please send to

Saints Peter & Paul Philoptochos Society
C/O Membership Committee
1401 Wagner Road
Glenview, Illinois 60025

Volunteer Opportunities

Coffee Hour Due to Covid restrictions, many of our regular events may not be able to take place this or next year. However, we still hope we will have some opportunities. We know your time is limited, but we are always looking for volunteers!! Please let us know if you would like to volunteer in the future. Click below to see the Volunteer Opportunities.



SSPP & Project HOPE

The Chicago Metropolis’ Project HOPE distributes food and care kits to Chicagoland and suburban areas.

To learn more about this ministry >> Project Hope  



Philanthropic & Memory/InHonor Donation

With your help, our work continues throughout the year, so whenever you wish to donate a little extra, or if you would like to donate In Honor or In Memory of someone, please click the button below and complete the information.
Of course, checks are always accepted at the address listed under the Stewardship section above.



Please continue to look under Parish News> Future Events for the latest news.

SSPP Ladies Philoptochos Society Newsletters

Please enjoy reading our newsletters, and if you have any suggestions, ideas for articles, or are willing to write a brief article contact us at philoptochos@ssppglenview.org


National Philoptochos Information & Events

The National Philoptochos Society was established in November 1931, by the late Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I, who was then serving as Archbishop of North and South America. For more information about the National Philoptochos ministry visit our national chapter page.