Cancer Support Resources

General Information

  1. National Cancer Institute (NCI)
  2. American Cancer Society (ACS)
  3. National Comprehensive Cancer Network
  4. American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
  5. Sleep and Cancer

Care Facilities

  1. Mayo Clinic


  1. National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS)
  2. Cancer Network
  3. Cancercare 800-813-4673
  4. American Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS) 866-276-7443
  5. Cancer Connect

Specific Information

Breast Cancer

  1. Breast
  2. Living Beyond Breast Cancer
  3. National Breast Cancer Coalition
  4. Susan G Komen For the Cure


There are also newsletters, magazines and transcripts from free teleconferences available:

  1. Cure magazine and CureExtra newsletter  – subscriptions available on the website
  2. Artemis newsletter from Johns Hopkins – see website
  3. WebMD Breast Cancer Newsletter – to subscribe
  4. Living Beyond Breast Cancer has a newsletter – subscription available on website
  5. Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE) newsletter – to subscribe
  6. KomenLink – the Komen newsletter – subscription available on website