Our Jr. and Sr. GOYAn’s went to Feed My Starving Children on Monday and met with some GOYAn’s from St. Haralambos. We arrived there, we took off our jewelry, put on our hairnets and went to work. With a group as large as ours, we took up half of the room! Split into our packing teams, we worked and packaged as many meals as we could. When we finished packing and cleaning up, we went into the warehouse and prayed over the food before our day was done. When it was all said and done, we had packed 88 boxes of meals, totaling 19,008 meals. That will feed 52 kids for an entire year! It is amazing what you can do with a mission, intention, and great volunteers who are ready to work.

Feed My Starving Children gave our GOYAn’s an opportunity to connect with one another while serving a community in need. It was awesome seeing our 6th graders bonding, our high schoolers reconnecting and new friendships forming between SSPP and St. Haralamabos. Like any successful day, it ended with a trip to Culvers.

Finally, I would like to thank our parents. Without all of them we could not have been so successful. It’s always a blessing to watch families serve together. Thank you for your dedication and time. We truly appreciate it

If you would like more information on Feed My Starving Children, or would like to donate or volunteer please go to https://www.fmsc.org.

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