As part of the Archdiocesan initiative to ensure Christ-centered ministry that protects children from abuse and provides a safe environment for the children in our care, positive changes to how we do youth ministry are coming our way. The first step in all of this is to ensure that our youth workers are background checked and trained. Moving forward, only those who undergo this process will be able to participate in youth work. By the end of November each youth worker must complete the training and a background check. To start this process, please click here and submit your information by November 15th. Once the information is submitted to the Youth and Safety Administrator, Sandra Glisic, you will receive two emails with directions on how to complete the training and your approval for the background check. Please note that there is a $34.00 cost for the background check. This background check needs to be completed every two years. If you have problems covering this cost, please contact Sandra by email at or by calling the church office at 847-729-2235. Please also note that the background information is strictly confidential and will not be seen by anyone other than the Youth and Safety Administrator and the Metropolis Youth Director. The training modules are pretty simple to complete. There are sessions to go through and a quiz to complete at the end. The training modules can be completed at your convenience. If you have any questions or concerns on this process, please reach out to Sandra and visit for more information. You can read through the documents or watch a couple of short videos that explain the policies and the need for them. We do understand that this is quite a change, but we ask everyone to remember why this is needed – to ensure the safety of the children in our care. This is a lot of change that will be happening very quickly, so we do ask for your patience and understanding throughout this process. Please feel free to contact Sandra with any questions/concerns at any point in time. Thank you all for all your hard work that you do for our children and the future of our parish.