First Things First
Thank you to the Senior GOYA Project Mexico team for arranging a Cinco de Mayo lunch fundraiser to coincide with the Spring General Parish Assembly and thanks to the quorum of parishioners that participated through the meeting. The Outreach team continues to thrive, engaging more parishioners in the sack lunch and soup kitchen outreach during May in addition to hosting the Parish Blood Drive. As our school programs concluded with graduations, a special thanks to the teachers, especially the volunteers in the Church School program, for another outstanding year leading our students. Thanks, too, for the Youth Athletics program, enabling our student athletes to play, compete, and enjoy fellowship at the Junior Olympics. Many thanks to the Orthodox Christian Couples (OCC) team for the May sequence of small group meetings. I will conclude the first things with a gracious thank you to the Men’s Dinner committee, for the fine event and for kickstarting new contributions to our Annual Capital Giving Campaign.

The Heart of the Matter
The Parish Council introduced a new Capital Master Plan at the May Parish Assembly. In summary, the parish now has provisional guidance on repair and improvement, renovation and expansion projects envisioned for the next 15 years. Inspections of the current building and infrastructure identified a handful of projects requiring immediate attention, including replacement of the roof and HVAC systems over the Community Center. As important are the projects intended to better meet the needs of our Parish over time, such as a hearing loop in the Church and elevator access from the street to the Narthex or Fellowship Hall. Renovation of the restrooms and locker rooms inside and the parking lot outside each include a degree of refurbishment and improvement for access needs. The parish office redesign is a key project to meet the needs of both staff and parishioners as we continue to grow. The Capital Master Plan is lengthy and so was sent by email in advance of the May Parish Assembly for all to review. The council looks forward to engaging the parish in further review of the projects, cost and design factors, and sequencing priorities as we progress through the year. How does a parish swallow a $5.2 million Capital Master Plan? One bite at a time (of course), but according to a solid plan and spread out by intent over 15 years.

On the Horizon
Summer is coming, but by no means will it be a lazy one. Plan to spend our Feast Day together at Great Vespers the evening before our June 29 Divine Liturgy and luncheon. Plan to volunteer (and eat!) at our Greek Fest July 27-28. Plan to support the Annual Capital Giving Campaign (and watch the crane over the Community Center) to execute our first Capital Master Plan project in August. Plan on Living the Faith all summer at Saints Peter and Paul!