Orthodox Christian Spirituality Basics
- Belief in Jesus Christ as our Lord, God and Savior with His Father and the Holy Spirit.
- Daily prayer- morning, noon, or night; develop a rule.
- Weekly worship- Sunday Divine Liturgy is essential.
- Love of Neighbor- everyone is your neighbor. Almsgiving- sacrificial giving to needy.
- Fasting- weekly- Wed., Fri., Sunday for communion; seasonal.
- Sacramental Participation- Confession, Holy Communion, Holy Unction regularly.
- Reading of Scripture- daily, lectionary, memorize, study.
- Education- catechism, bible study, retreats, seminars. (active learning).
- Support the Mission of the Church- stewardship of time, talents, treasure.
- Ethical/Moral Praxis & Purity- including thoughts, words, actions. (active living)