Our Church Basketball season is off to a roaring start. We began practicing in early October and played our first games in early November. This year we have 7 teams and have 120 kids and young adults participating. Our teams include: 1-2nd grade coed, 3-4th grade coed, 5-6th grade coed, 7-8th grade boys, High School girls, High School boys and our Young Adult Men’s team. We also have 18 volunteer Coaches. We practice Monday-Thursday and play games on Saturdays and Sundays. Over Thanksgiving weekend, we had 4 teams participate in the Metropolitan Iakovos Memorial Thanksgiving Tournament. Two of our teams won First Place (7/8th grade boys team and the high school girls Team). Our 1-2nd grade team also participated in a Christmas Tournament that we hosted. We had 6 teams from different Churches participate, The Christmas Tournament was sponsored by our local Sons of Pericles Spartan Chapter # 145. For those who do not know the Sons of Pericles is the young adult division of the AHEPA.

Thus far in League play out 7-8th grade and High School boys teams are undefeated. Also during Christmas break, our Young Adult Men’s Team participated in a feed the homeless program at a local Church in Evanston. We also have a group of age 40+ guys play on Wednesday evenings.

Please contact me if you are interested or have any questions regarding Church Athletics. Happy New Year!!!

Chris Atsaves-Athletic Director