Parish News

Project Mexico Trip Update Part I

We awaken in our tents – backs a little sore from our partially deflated air mattresses, woken not by an alarm but by the crow of a rooster, we scramble out to the communal bare bones bathrooms feet covered in a thin layer of dust, as are all of our belongings at this point, and while all of these discomforts remind us we are far from home, as we drive along the unpaved roads to our worksite, the conditions we witness make us feel like our lodgings at St. Innocent Orphanage are that of a king.

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Pastoral Message for August 2019

By the time you read this, I will have served my first liturgy as priest of this wonderful parish and partaken of the Greek Festival. I also met some of you June 28-29 for the parish feast day including members of the parish council and Philoptochos.

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GOYAlumni Beach Day Recap

Beach day was a great time for fellowship and reuniting! We had an awesome group come together and share in burgers, dogs, and beach. Tommy Mantice was on the grill and made sure that all of us were well fed, while baby Jonah even made an appearance on the hot day.

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Pastoral Message for July 2019

Over the past few years The Glenview Greek Fest has grown and developed from its reinstitution as an indoor fest to full blown outdoor festival with food tents, carnival attractions, and wonderful community involvement. This year looks to continue that development and growth.

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Parish Council News for July 2019

Thank you to those from SS Peter and Paul who joined the Ascension Parish for their Feast Day Vespers and Divine Liturgy in Lincolnshire, where their new Church building was open for the first time. Cross-parish support is an important part of how we live the faith! Thank you to Chris Atsaves, the athletics coaches, and our student athletes for another outstanding year of sport and sportsmanship in our Christ-centered arenas.

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