Parish News

Help Us Finish Our Roof Project

The Community Center roof and HVAC systems replacement are progressing toward completion in early to mid-December. The rain and snow have caused some project time delays, but the project is now back on track.

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St. Nicholas Gift Project

Our Church School kids and families went out and bought presents for children and families in need. Each child brought their gift to church and we collected them on the solea. They presented them before the icon of St. Nicholas and then Fr. Rick blessed the gifts.

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Black Friday Sack Lunch

We had a great team that helped assemble 65 lunches to be distributed in Evanston. Thank you to our team that came out, volunteered, and made a difference!

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OCAMPR and OTSA 2019 Annual Conference Recap

150 professionals from all over the country met at Saints Peter and Paul Nov 7-9 for the annual conferences of OCAMPR (Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion) and OTSA (Orthodox Theological Society of America).

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Youth Ministry Pizza Making

Our Faith, Love & Joy met on Friday while our Jr. & Sr. GOYA met on Monday with two goals in mind: 1) Make pizzas for the soup kitchen at First Presbyterian Church in Evanston 2) Have fun. They successfully did both!

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