Parish News

Important Information for Youth Workers

As part of the Archdiocesan initiative to ensure Christ-centered ministry that protects children from abuse and provides a safe environment for the children in our care, positive changes to how we do youth ministry are coming our way.

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Pastoral Message for November 2019

November is typically the month devoted to the theme of stewardship. I offer an introductory reflection and a brief discussion on the stewardship of time…Blessed Thanksgiving to All! +Fr. Rick

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Bible Study Monastery Trip

On Wednesday, October 30th, the SSPP Bible Study, along with members from the Ascension of Our Lord parish and a few other neighboring parishes, visited two Serbian Orthodox monasteries. Approximately 45 people joined us for this blessed and local pilgrimage.

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2019 Fall GOYA Retreat

Our Junior and Senior GOYA retreat was an awesome weekend. Our theme was “Walking with the Saints” and we talked about the saints, who they are, how they are recognized, and the fact that we are not only called to be saints, but we are created as saints.

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Storytime with the Glenview Librarian

On Tuesday, October 29th, Agape Preschool and Kindergarten received a visit from the Glenview Librarian, Katie! She came and read Halloween Stories to our students, sang songs and acted out stories. A fun time was had by all! Click here to view more photos.

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Happy Namesday to Fr. Rick Demetrius Andrews

On Saturday October 26th we celebrated Liturgy in honor of St. Demetrios, who is the patron saint of our Fr. Rick Demetrius Andrews. In honor of his namesday and his recent elevation to the office of Protopresbyter, the parish presented Fr. Rick with an Epigonation (a...

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Agape’s Wagner Farm Field Trip

On October 17th, Agape Preschool and Kindergarten visited Wagner Farm! The students learned about life around the farm in the 1800's. They helped out with chores like feeding the chickens and pumping water for the animals. The Agape students were thrilled to see the...

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