Parish News

Thank You for the Extra Lenten Baskets

This year Father decided to pass an extra basket every Sunday during Lent to support our many Outreach Committee events.

We were able to cover the Spring college care packages that were sent to 60 people, we sponsored a complete lunch at a Sunday soup kitchen and a sack lunch. Thank you for your support.

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Athletics Reflection on the year

Our Athletics program had a full year this year! Between Basketball and Jr. Olympics, our trophy case is really filling up! It was a great season for all of our basketball teams from 1st grade through High School. All of our teams played their hearts out and had a lot of fun.

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Parish Council News for June 2019

Thank you to the Senior GOYA Project Mexico team for arranging a Cinco de Mayo lunch fundraiser to coincide with the Spring General Parish Assembly and thanks to the quorum of parishioners that participated through the meeting.

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Pastoral Message for June 2019

As of the time that this article is being written, our sister parish of The Ascension of Our Lord in Lincolnshire is nearing completion in the building of their new Church. For years, upon the diligent foundations laid by Fr. Jim Gordon, and now reinforced by Fr. Sotiri Malamis, our brothers and sisters in Christ have striven to grow their community into the thriving Body of Christ that it is today.

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Q&A with Fr. Panagiotis May 2019

December 17th, we commemorated the “Three Holy Children (Ananias, Azarias, and Misael). Who are these children? The three children I know about from Daniel were named at birth: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. I was told that they had “Christian names”: Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. If that is so, how in the world did they acquire all of these names? – JZ

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Week in Review April 30, 2019

Our youth prepared this past month to participate and sing in the 1st Resurrection Service on Holy Saturday Morning. They sang responded to the petitions, and sang beautifully the Hymn of the Three Youths.

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Week in Review March 26, 2019

Our Junior and Senior GOYA visited the Greek American Rehab and Care center last Sunday! We celebrated St. Patricks Day, we went from room to room getting to know residents and then finished our day with some awesome games of Bingo! We loved sitting down and hearing our new friends old stories and they gave us a lot to think about, whether words of wisdom or great laughs. It was a great experience.

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